This is just a quick story that I was reminded about and thought was worth sharing. It is proof that a) it really is a small world and b)...weirdness can happen.
When i gave birth to Annabelle, I had a joint room in the mom and baby unit while I waited for a private room. I had no idea who my roommate was as we both kept the curtains closed. However, I had some dear friends from high school visit me who recognized her as a girl we went to high school with. It appears we gave birth on the same day and then shared a room. interesting coincidence.
We had our first kids on the same day.
I ran into this girl in Ikea about a month ago. She was someone that in high school I don't think I ever spoke to because we were in different grades and ran with different social circles. However, given the interesting coincidence of before I figured I would say hello. We got to talking and realized that we each had a second child less than a week apart. Another interesting coincidence.
Our second kids, born less than a week apart, are both boys named Max.
huhhh, what are the odds.
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