While looking at pictures today I found myself getting choked up because of how much I loved my kids. I was in awe that these 2 beautiful human beings belonged to me and that i get to wake up to their amazing faces and personalities everyday (and multiple times a night apparently)for the next 18 years (then they can just call me when they wake up).
Lately I have witnessed Anna's amazing, thoughtful, and polite personality. She is always quick to get her baby brother a toy, or a burp blanket when he so much as drools. At the end of nap time, I hear her in the monitor yelling from her door to Max's room " Max, I coming! I coming, Max". When I sit down to nurse Max, Anna runs around getting me everything I need including my Iphone and a bur blanpket and then monitors Max's eating, making sure to push him back on if he lets go for any reason. Between helping Max and Helping Mommy, Our family is truly lucky to have such a wonderful little girl.
She is also my little parrot! As do most 2 year olds I am sure, she takes note of everything and then copies or repeats it in the cutest way. My term of endearment for Max is buddy and the other day as I was preparing Max's supper, he was sitting in his highchair letting me know that i needed to hurry up in the only way he knows how, with tears. Anna quickly ran over to him, brought him a toy and said "its Okay Buddy" over and over again. When she is not needed to sooth Max as he waits for his food she is in the kitchen getting a spoon for Max, or everyone for that matter, and setting the table for supper. I never taught me 2 year old to set the table yet she does it so well and without prompting.
A few weeks back, we had a bridal shower for my cousin and Anna and her little cousin Emmy sat down to eat their cake at the kids table in the toy room. Emmy's mom, my cousin Krista, sat on the floor in there to eat with them because the other chairs were all in the living room. Anna surveyed the situation and without any prompting Anna went into the other room and carried a chair back to the toy room for Krista. Yet another example of my thoughtful little girl.
This whole post was brought to light after a very busy holiday weekend. Yesterday evening we hosted my coworkers and their families for a holiday dinner. Usually a bit shy, I prepped Anna for the arrival of other kids. it turned out she was an amazing host. She showed the kids to her toy room, and took a younger guest under her wing. When everyone was leaving she very loudly shouted "Thank you for coming, Merry Christmas". Today was much the same as we attended another Christmas party. We were slightly afraid considering she went to bed at 10pm last night and missed nap today. Yet the day was completed at 7:30pm with no tears and lots of smiles.
So as the Christmas Season progresses I am reminded that I have already gotten the best gift of all; 2 beautiful children, inside and out.
PS: When I ask Anna what she wants Santa to bring her, she answers with Gusto "PRESENT"! Santa, if you read this, she has been a very good girl and she isn't even picky!
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