Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Falling for you!

Friday Sept 7
Last friday I headed outside to get my big girl off the bus. I had my little man in tow and baby girl in the ergo baby. I fell off the last step. The baby hit her head and I hurt my foot but in all honesty I didn't even feel the pain of my foot because I was so worried about her. After some help from my wonderful neighbour and some observations I decided to take her to Emerg. She had a small swollen bump on her head along with a little road rash from the gravel and seemed a bit out of it. Better safe than sorry. Everyone else was concerned about my foot, I was concerned about my baby.
When we got the emerg they checked us in right away (lesson being if you don't want to wait, fake a childs head injury) and they decided to look at my foot. I had a huge lump so an xray was performed. I hobbled to and from xray carrying the baby in her carseat. within 5 minutes the doctor returned to tell me it was not broken. elevate, Ice, Compress...blah,blah,blah. I have 3 kids under 4! I hobbled out to my car and i hobbled into my house.

Sunday Sept 9
On saturday I was planning to head to a camp reunion from the summer camp i worked at as a teen. this wounded foot would not rain on my parade (mother nature did that for us). I hobbled around, it hurt but I have a pretty good pain threshold so I sucked it up (and let Bacardi numb the pain).

On monday night I spoke with emerg who told me that radiology did see a break after all. they wrote me a prescription for an aircast and told me the ortho doctor would call me asap. Of course the only place in Kemptville to get an aircast is a monday or friday joint so I had to wait another day before getting it. by now my foot is a hot, purple, swollen, mess!

Tuesday Sept 11
So, I have now had the air cast for one week. I have 3 kids under 4 so I am on my feet all the time and whether I have enough air or too much air pumped into it, I don't know. Have I seen a doctor since that first night in emerg when I was told it was NOT broken? NO! Now I have a red lump on the side of my foot and my toes will not bend.

Yesterday I spent an hour speaking with emerg and my family doctors office looking for answers. the hospital and emerg treated me like an annoyance and this whole situation has been handled like I am being sent to a specialist for a superficial issue. No urgancy on anybodys part. I finally got a call from Ortho today telling me I have an appt next week. NEXT WEEK!! After giving her my opinion on the health care I have received she had nothing to say except sorry there is no clinic this week. Come on people, I have a broken bone that may not be healing properly since it was 4 days after i went to emerg that i found out it was broken and you are telling me 3 weeks later I will see a doctor, ANY doctor!!

Monday Sept 17
Gone are my plans to play volleyball since it starts tomorrow. On hold are my plans to go to Colorado snowboarding since we would need to book now. and most of all gone is my faith in my local health care system.

Stay Tuned...

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