Just Kidding! but that got your attention didn't it. In reality those are two words that haunt me!
So the big question is how do we prevent that from happening! Seems cut and dry doesn't it. Don't want more kids, get a permanent fix...him of course. But is it that simple!
I am 99.9% sure I do not want more kids. With each child the quality of my parenting has decreased significantly and the last thing I want to do is be Octomom. but right now, in this moment of baby bliss, I cannot believe I will not have another newborn! I say this of course because as we all know my kids pop out like a jack in the box and because my new baby girl is what every new mom could want; my sleepless nights lasted only a few weeks, she nurses like a pro (14 lbs to prove it), she is easy going and cute as a button.
Logically I know that is not a reason to have another baby but sometimes emotions beat out logic. What if when all my kids are in school I want another one? Do I want to permanently close that door? I always thought yes for sure but permanent is so...well...permanent! So what are the options?
An IUD. hmmm decision is no. What I didn't know before consulting my OB is that an IUD does not prevent pregnancy. The egg gets fertilized but the IUD makes your uterus inhospitably so it cannot implant, essentially aborting it. Now I am pro-choice for the right reasons and for many people this is OK but it seems weird to me to think I could be getting pregnant over and over again and killing it off.
So option B. The Pill or any other hormone method. hmmm... bad news there for me. I am already an emotional wreck add on hormone changes and steer clear.
So that leaves the each time option and this doesn't help the problem where emotions beat out logic. One emotional evening and we say Hello to Guy JR. (and I already have one mini-Guy, I cannot handle two)
So what to do. Did anyone else have this kind of a battle deciding on making a permanent fix? if so, offer me some advice because I think about it daily. I want to move forward, I want to clear out the baby stuff, I want to be able to go to Disney world and not rush home for naps, I want to stop changing diapers but I also want to rock another newborn.
Unfortunately with Alexa being baby number 3 and having a toddler boy who just turned 2 and gets into EVERYTHING, I don't get too many baby snuggles. She gets into bed with me in the morning and I am in heaven being snuggled next to her and then they break through the door and ruin our moment. She is so easygoing that I almost take advantage of it. I think i need to schedule some Alexa time into our day and sneak away to another room with her for snuggles.
Maybe if i squeeze in more snuggles I won't be mourning the baby stage and I will look back at this post some day and wonder what was I thinking!
I feel the same way....to a tee! But unfortunately I have no answers. I am hoping one day I will just know.
ReplyDeleteYou got my attention! Yikes...one is handful enough for me, can't imagine thinking of #4....but then again, I can't close the door on #2 just like you don't want to close the door on #4. Hope you find the answer you're looking for.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly how you feel!! Mark and I decided on him getting snipped probably before I was completely on board. I realized about the time Maddie turned 2 (a year AFTER Mark got 'fixed') that I would never stop wanting more kids. I love being pregnant, I love giving birth and I love nursing! I do not love not sleeping, not having any freedom, and like you, noticing how much less time and energy I have to do all the things I did with my first child. But to get to my point, I realized I would be a 60 year old grandma and still feel that yearning for a baby, so I might as well embrace that fact and as Mark put it, "Quit while we're ahead!" Now that my kids are 3 and 5, I can actually hold newborns and feel relieved, I go to the park and watch friends with younger kids who never get to stop and chat and think "thank goodness I'm past that", on Saturday mornings when I look over and it 9am and my kids have gone downstairs and played quietly for 2 hrs without waking me up, I am delighted that we got 'snipped' when we did! It's not an easy choice, but I promise that when and if you get there you'll look around one day and it will hit you that life is pretty damn great and adding a new baby will be the last thing on your mind. You may also have the odd day where the opposite happens, but it will no longer be the first thing you think when you see a new baby. I'll be thinking of you guys, it was a very emotional decision for us. Good Luck.