3rd pregnancy! 3rd labour and delivery! 3rd baby! 3rd times a charm. right?
When I had Anna I had no idea what to expect from the experience. I youtubed some deliveries and went flush watching the crowning. In the moment I lasted a whole 30 minutes of pain before opting for an epidural and had a very controlled and pain free delivery. What did I want to do different next time? I wanted to see my baby being born! Mirror, camera, video, I didn't care but I wanted to see it!
When I was pregnant with Max I planned to ask for a mirror or have Guy video it. But things don't always go as planned and with no warning I started having contractions a minute apart and we flew to the hospital to deliver not long after. No time to think about a mirror or camera. I got an epidural which ended up being ineffective given how fast I delivered.
So fast forward to April 14th, 2012. I planned this time. I invited my mom to witness the blessed event. Her Job was to take pictures of the whole thing (yes, that too) and to coach me through 3 hours of no epidural (I did it before and I survived)! I planned and I was prepared to correct my regrets from delivery 1 and 2. 3rd time was going to be a charm!
But things don't always go as planned...
Monday, April 16, 2012
Things don't always go as planned...
I had a doctor’s appointment on Thursday April 12th and he told me I was 3cm dilated and 2 cm thick. I would meet my little girl sooner rather than later. Friday morning I had some blood (A good thing) and by afternoon I lost my mucus plug. I was having sporadic contractions, anywhere between 30 minutes and 10 minutes. I went to bed at 8pm Friday night because I thought for sure this was it. But everything stopped. Saturday was much and the same so when Saturday night rolled around we watched the game instead of heading to bed early for another false alarm.
However, during the start of the 3rd period (Go Sens Go) I felt like my water broke. The contractions and pain got stronger and more frequent so we decided we should head to the hospital. Afterall, Max came very fast. We picked up my mom and were on our way. We arrived at the hospital right after Neil scored the game winning goal. We were put in Triage and the fun began.
The nurse and resident doctor on call took all my info (yes my last labour was very quick, yes my water has broken on its own both times, yes I am having contractions about 6 minutes apart but honestly I am not watching the clock). Then I was checked and it was determined that my water had not broken and I was still only 2cm dilated (apparently my doctor has bigger fingers). Here is where I start to cry. I am in pain and all this time nothing has changed. We told her about 3 times I was afraid of being sent home yet The doctors decision is I can go home or walk the halls of the empty hospital in the middle of the night to “Start labour” but she was going to wait for the other doctor to finish a C-Section to get the final word. They kept telling me that 3rd babies are unpredictable and that just because the second was fast the third might not be. We waited in triage for another 45 minutes all the while the contractions got stronger and more frequent. When she came back to say that yes that was the final decision I was in tears and needed something for the pain. This however, did not set off any alarm bells to anyone and they still were not admitting me so they gave me a drug and sent me on my way. The idea of walking the halls was painful to me so we opted to call a dear family friend who lived in Ottawa to go there and rest. We left and the nurse said as I was leaving, I always feel bad sending people away (YOU BETTER). Driving the 15 minutes the contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and I was discouraged and upset. I walked into Liz’s house and went straight to bed.
I watched the clock from 1:40 to 2am. The contractions were 4 minutes apart and growing more and more painful. I decided to go watch TV to take my mind off the pain and so that Guy could get some sleep. I made the personal decision that when they got 1-2 minutes apart I would go back to the hospital because I was 1-2 minutes apart with Max for 3.5 hours and I was really afraid of being sent home again.
The contractions got so painful but I kept telling myself mind over matter, I can do it. They went to 3 minutes apart within 10 minutes and then I had what felt like a 3 minute contraction but would likely have been 3 right on top of eachother. At this point I cried out in pain for my mom. Liz came downstairs and then ran and got my mom. They then went back to 3 minutes apart and I even was able to joke about something I saw on the TV.
My mom said we needed to go back to the hospital but the next contraction came with an intense amount of pressure in my crotch and bum and to describe the sensation best it was like when you blow a bubble of gum and then in pops. It was like a bubble was being blown out my vajaja and then it popped. My water had broken…with a vengeance. I screamed at my mom to take my pants off because the baby was coming. (to set the scene here, my mom is in a satin robe and now wearing a head lamp and Guy is still in bed while I am half off the couch in a very awkward position with my legs wide open for all to see). She yelled to Liz to call 911 and get towels for the baby right as Guy was walking downstairs. His reaction was no, you keep the baby in there and we call an ambulance to take us the hospital but he quickly realized that was not in my control. What I hoped was in my control though was my bodily functions because I clearly remember thinking I didn’t want to poop on Liz’s couch :) Immediately after that contraction I was pushing with one hand gripping the couch and the other being held by Liz while Guy watched and grew more and more pale. I pushed her entire tiny body out in one long push.
Little Alexa was a bit dopey from the drug and we didn’t have anything to suction her mouth so she didn’t cry. This was frightening to all of us but the paramedics arrived about 5 minutes after her dramatic arrival and my extremely pale mom could walk away and collect herself while they confirmed that she was in perfect condition.
funny fact from the experience was that they cut the cord very long and my placenta was still inside so I had to walk to the ambulance with the cord hanging to my knees and swinging around hitting my legs. Talk about gross!
Guy, Alexa and I took our first ambulance ride with Hans and Andrew (our great paramedics)
and when we arrived back at the hospital it was like a scene from Greys Anatomy (all it was missing was the music int he background and the flashbacks to how we got there) with everyone behind the desk at Labour and Delivery staring at us wondering what the Heck happened. What happened was, they dropped the ball and all I can say is thank god my mom was there. She joked that we invited her in case I gave birth on the highway. She had no idea it could actually become a reality.
My lovely paramedics called 911 dispatch to get time of birth since they were on the phone when I delivered her and I delivered my placenta in the hospital.
Little Alexa was a bit dopey from the drug and we didn’t have anything to suction her mouth so she didn’t cry. This was frightening to all of us but the paramedics arrived about 5 minutes after her dramatic arrival and my extremely pale mom could walk away and collect herself while they confirmed that she was in perfect condition.
funny fact from the experience was that they cut the cord very long and my placenta was still inside so I had to walk to the ambulance with the cord hanging to my knees and swinging around hitting my legs. Talk about gross!
Guy, Alexa and I took our first ambulance ride with Hans and Andrew (our great paramedics)
and when we arrived back at the hospital it was like a scene from Greys Anatomy (all it was missing was the music int he background and the flashbacks to how we got there) with everyone behind the desk at Labour and Delivery staring at us wondering what the Heck happened. What happened was, they dropped the ball and all I can say is thank god my mom was there. She joked that we invited her in case I gave birth on the highway. She had no idea it could actually become a reality.
My lovely paramedics called 911 dispatch to get time of birth since they were on the phone when I delivered her and I delivered my placenta in the hospital.
So my lesson is when in Triage stand up for yourself because I didn't! I have nothing against home birth but it needs the proper tools and skills and preparation.
On the plus side, I was able to do it without the epidural and I am completely, 100%, punch me in the crotch and I’ll be fine, damage free!
Thank you Mom, Liz, Hans, Andrew, Guy, and of course little Alexa for making it a night I won’t forget!
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What an awesome story Erin. And one Alexa will love hearing when she is our age. And good for you girl! I can only imagine the courage it took to get through that in tact. I certainly hope letters of complaint will be made regarding the hospital. My doctor has always said that when a mother has 2 kids and she tells you something is wrong with her or her kids you know it's actually something. I laugh at that because the only time Jordan sees a doctor is in an emergency.
ReplyDeleteJennifer P.
Erin - this story is amazing!! I love the idea of your mom in the nightrobe and head lamp! Priceless
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing