Annabelle March, 2008!

Annabelle March, 2011
Yesterday morning I dropped Anna off at my parents house for a sleep over. This meant that I had 2 days by myself with Max. Now I know that having a baby is tough stuff but it is a holiday compared to having a preschooler. Yup I said it, Anna is officially a preschooler!Max and I went on a lunch date, I cleaned the inside of my car, I watched something on TV other than Dora or Ariel, I went to the mall with a child who sat quietly in a stroller. I kindof remembered what my life was like 3 years ago. And while I enjoyed the opportunity to complete some tasks without preschooler "help", I also realized that my life was boring without her.
So today on her 3rd birthday I look back on the past three years. I remember how Anna has changed from a helpless newborn who needed me to provide her every necessity of life to an amazingly vocal and independant three year old who goes to the bathroom by herself and gets her own snacks. A beautiful young girl who goes to preschool and has learned to colour a picture not just scribble on a page.
I have enjoyed watching Anna grow and learn. Helping her develop her skills is my greatest accomplishment. Today I remember her infant and toddler years and look ahead to the years to come.
Happy 3rd Birthday Annabelle! Mommy Loves you!
Happy birthday Anna!