What is a 4 letter word for complicated? BABY! Somebody recently said to me in passing that Children were like puzzles and this opened a whole new world of clarity for me. I have spent many days and nights trying to figure out how to "fix" Max. It just dawned on me that he didn't need to be fixed, he needed to just be figured out.
Kids cannot speak for the first year or 2 of their lives. Some parents are lucky enough to have babies who learn baby sign, some parents embark on elimination communication, and some parents try to learn the 5 cries of babies. But regardless of what tools they use, ALL parents are faced with the challenge of trying to figure out the puzzles that are our kids.
Max was definitely a more complicated infant than Anna. He has kept the wheels in my brain spinning. Why isn't he sleeping? Is it gas or a sore tummy? and what caused the gas and sore tummy? Is he teething? Is it his congestion? and how can we fix it? is he hungry? is he eating enough? when should he eat and how much? is he sleeping too much during the day? is he cold? AHHHHHHH. What are the answers!
Lately we have spent many conversations trying to figure out this specific puzzle. At least its a puzzle we can travel with. I mean even when we were snowboarding sans kids, we spent the whole time working on the puzzle. Apparently though it was worth it as on New years Eve of 2010 it appears we MAY have solved this puzzle. Its not the first New Years Eve I have spent doing puzzles (Blush).
We think we found the answer in that he was stuck on his routine of eating at night and not during the day. I say think as I don't want to jinx it and I still go to bed at night with the expectation that it may be a rough night. After all, we all know that when one puzzle is finished a new one is started.
before I know it he will turn 2 and I will be faced with the same puzzle I am working on with Anna right now. What is she saying and why is she crying?
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