I use to watch Saturday night live religiously and i think "It's Pat" may have been one of my favorite sketches. The story of a person with a gender neutral name who looked like they could be either a male or female. Hilarious! until your child is the butt of the questions.
a lack of hair at birth runs in both mine and guys families. Both Anna and Max were bald at birth and at 2 and a half Anna is still what I call "follicly challenged". She has very little hair. I think she is freaking adorable but I am starting to really get tired of confirming that she is in a fact a SHE. Almost everyday someone refers to her as he, little guy, him, or my son! SERIOUSLY people, she has her ears pierced, her coat is pink, she wears skirts, and her face is the angelic face of a girl.
It seems society has such a stereotype of what little girls and little boys look like that people cannot look past the major defining features on the outside to see someone for who they really are. My Annabelle is girl thru and thru. She plays dress up with princess costumes, takes care of her babies, and LOVES shoes!
I love her the way she is but I often stare at her wondering what she will look like with long hair that I can put in ponytails or braids. I know someday I will find out but in the meantime I need to buy more pink.
Erin you are such a strong woman and a wonderful mother. You are an inspiration to me. I've heard from many of my "new mom" friends that it's the little things that end up driving you crazy or making your day. Bravo for speaking your mind about something that many others would shy away from. Keep the blog coming, I love reading it.