So I have been telling you about the best products I have tried in my journey as a mom. But this week I have found the best product of all... Motivation!
I always said I was meant to be a working mom. I loved my daughter but I wanted to have my own space too. I have now been off work for 10 weeks and home with Anna for 5of them. I was worried about how this would go, if I would go crazy, if I would end up wanting to sell her to the cheapest bidder but it turns out I have learned a lot about myself and even more about her.
I have learned that I am way more patient with her than I thought. I have learned that I love playing play doh. I have learned that life without Annabelle is boring. I have also learned that I have the most polite, generous, well-mannered, intelligent little girl there is! She is also an amazing big sister. Just this morning I asked her to watch Max while I showered and I came out to see her rubbing his back because "Max Pleure"! (pardon the spelling, she is french, not me! yet another amazing thing about her)
When I passed her the timbits this morning and she gave me a very clear, direct "thank you mom" without me having to ask her, I almost cried with pride. When she takes her garbage to the garbage can without being asked or immediately after being asked, and when she clears her dinner plate to the counter when she is "All done" (said with a shake of the hands), when she shares her toys or returns a toy to a friend who isn't ready to share, when she grabs my face and plants a big kiss on my lips, and now when she says "Mommy I pee" to tell me she has to go to the potty, she makes me smile, makes me so happy, and makes my heart so big it could explode.
I see her develop each day and she amazes me! it makes the sleepless nights, the dirty diapers, the headaches from crying, all worth it.
This product...motivation... is the best product for any mom to have. I see her grow older everyday and it is true when they say they grow up before you know it. She has motivated me to work hard at being the best mom I can be each day and for that I thank her!
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