Thursday, December 9, 2010

Impaired Posting

Guy has always told me that I share too much on facebook. Sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't. As a result of his opinion I have ensured my privacy settings are up to date so that only my "friends" can see what I write and I even disables my wall so that all my messages from people have to be private. But lately it seems I cannot stop sharing. I go to a playgroup and am welcomed with "Oh things haven't been going so well for you" What? Oh ya, facebook! Facebook has provided me with an outlet to share, but has therefore taken away the joy of a face to face conversation about something that nobody knows. Because I share what seems like....everything.

As I reflect on my sleeping troubles of late, I wondered why nobody else seems to have these troubles or atleast feels the need to share them and update them ever hour or 2. Do I share to much? Am I making people think my life is terrible? what is so different about my parenting situation. It dawned on me why everyone elses children seem to sleep all night and mine don't. Everyone else doesn't take facebook into the nursery with them at 2, 3, 4 am. I do a lot of "impaired posting". Ahhhh. the wonders of the Iphone. You can take your "friends" into your midnight feeds with you. I then share my stress and troubles immediately. If I didn't have my Iphone with me at that moment, I am sure the feelings would pass and my morning status update would be much more positive. I check out everyones updates and if its a really long night, I feel the need to update everyone on every second of my terrible night. Why should I do it alone when my cyber friends can be with me. Some even talk back right away. thats a treat. It usual means they take their "friends" with them everywhere too. Did you know I take my cyber friends with me to the bathroom too. thats how my Iphone ended up being dropped in the toilet. These days it seems my Iphone is like my right hand, I can't go anywhere without it, I even updated facebook less than an hour after Max was born and before I had even left the delivery room.

And who are these Cyber friends I take with me to my most personal places? I have 328 friends on facebook right now. Since I joined in 2007, I have unfriended many and been unfriended. I have re-freinded some out of curiosity and then unfriended them again. Of those 328 current friends I have, I think it is safe to say that I would, without facebook, talk to less than 30 of them ever and less than 10 of them regularily. My life would be lonely without facebook. My midnight feeds would consist of countless games of solitaire and angry birds. But instead I have a world of support that I wouldn't have without facebook. I have my regulars who always offer me stories, suggestions, advice, and encouragement. Some ladies that I met briefly in passing and others that I went to High school with but barely talked too and of course my dear friends that make up the 10 I spoke about earlier have become my support network through my mommy struggles.

So if I share too much, I am sorry. Impaired posting is as bad as drunk texting. in the morning I sometimes regret putting the vibe out there that I hate my life. I don't, I just hate being up multiple times a night. I need to be more positive and I need to control my impaired posting!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always happy to text throughout the night :)
